Who are we?
With this statement (hereinafter the “Statement”) we want to inform you about the way in which personal data are processed and processed by us, HRchitect bv, with registered office in Belgium at 9280 Lebbeke, P.F. De Naeyerstraat 13 (hereinafter “we”). Meeting house Wallekant, located at 9280 Lebbeke, P.F. De Naeyerstraat 15, is a trade name and a branch under the management of HRchitect bv.
- CBE/VAT: 0537.782.846
- Email: info@vergaderhuis-wallekant.be
- Telephone: +32 (0)473 23 34 91
We are responsible for the processing of personal data collected by us in the context of our services and activities. We act as controller, i.e. the person who determines the purpose and means of the processing of personal data.
What personal data do we collect?
“Personal data” means all information about an identified or identifiable natural person.
The use of the website by the users may lead to the collection of personal data. The processing of this data by Meeting House Wallekant, in its capacity as controller or by service providers acting in the name and for the account of Meeting House Wallekant, takes place in accordance with the Law and Regulation.
In particular, we collect administrative data and contact details. This allows us to identify you or contact you, or to do business with you. This personal data can be contact details such as:
- Last Name
- First Name
- Address
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Job Title
We do not collect or process sensitive information, for example data related to race or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, physical or mental health or sexual orientation. If such personal data were to be provided to us, we will not use it and we will delete it.
Meeting House Wallekant does not intend to consciously collect data from users of the website who are younger than sixteen years.
Our website also uses “cookies”. These are small pieces of information that are stored by the browser on your computer and allow us to register certain information about the users of our website (e.g. choice of language, duration of your visit on the page, …). They help to better tailor the website to your wishes, preferences and ease of use. More information about this can be found in our cookie statement.
How do we obtain your personal data?
Your personal data can be collected in various ways, including by:
- Filling in a contact form
- Filling in a reservation request
- A personal telephone contact
- Commercial promotions with registration form
- Personal contacts
We may obtain your personal data directly from you or through third parties. When we do so, we ask these third parties to confirm that the information was obtained lawfully and that we have the right to use the data obtained from them.
Meeting House Wallekant collects and processes this personal data in accordance with the conditions and principles described in this Privacy Policy.
What do we need your personal data for?
In accordance with Article 13 of the Regulation, the purposes of the processing of personnel data are communicated to the User. Those purposes are the following:
- Keeping you informed of the actions of Meeting House Wallekant
- Invitation to open days, vernissages, tastings and events
- Sending newsletters, blogs or inspiration
- Questioning customers about their satisfaction
- Collecting suggestions for improving our services
- Inform about terms and conditions and special conditions
- Market analysis of our supply and demand
If you no longer wish to receive such information, you can always request us to do so. Our contact details can be found under “Who are we?”.
What is the legal basis for our processing of personal data?
By accessing and using the website, the user declares that he has read and given his free, specific, informed and unambiguous consent to the processing of personal data. This agreement covers the content of this Privacy Policy.
Consent is given by the positive and active action by which the user ticked the privacy policy box in “hypertext link”. This permission is an essential condition for the performance of certain actions on the website or to enable the user to enter into a contractual relationship with Meeting House Wallekant. Any agreement between Meeting House Wallekant and a user relating to the services offered on the website is subject to the user’s acceptance of the privacy policy.
Who do we share your personal data with?
We do not share your personal data with third parties unless (i) we have received your prior consent to do so, (ii) we are required to do so under a regulation or legal process, or (iii) we are requested to do so by legislative or judicial authorities.
In addition, if we use certain subcontractors such as ICT companies for the maintenance and management of our websites, engineering offices, marketing agencies, we will not consider these subcontractors as third parties. We ensure that these subcontractors take the necessary technical and organizational measures to process your personal data legally and lawfully and not to disclose it to third parties under any circumstances.
How long do we keep your personal data?
We only keep Your Data as long as this is necessary for the purposes of the processing stated in this Statement. Your personal data will also be kept and used for as long as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, to settle disputes or to enforce our agreements.
How do we protect your personal data?
Your personal data is considered to be strictly confidential. We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the provided and collected personal data against destruction, loss, accidental alteration, damage, accidental or unlawful access or any other unauthorized processing of personal data.
What rights do you have?
You can view, change and/or remove your personal data at any time by contacting us in the following way:
- by email: info@vergaderhuis-wallekant.be ;
- in writing to the following postal address: P.F. De Naeyerstraat 13, 9280 Lebbeke,
You also have the right to object to the processing by sending a notification to the aforementioned e-mail address, as well as to submit a complaint to the Data Protection Authority.
Data protection authority
Drukpersstraat 35
1000 Brussels
Tel: 02 274 48 00
Fax: 02 274 48 35
Email: commission@privacycommission.be
All information about this can be found at https://www.dataprotectionauthority.be
If you wish to exercise your rights, we ask you to provide us with proof of your identity in order to prevent any unauthorized disclosure or processing of your personal data. We therefore ask you preferably to add a copy of the front of your identity card to your application.
Cookie policy
By using cookies, Meeting House Wallekant collects your personal data. Your consent is required under the applicable legislation regarding GDPR. By accepting the pop-up regarding the cookie policy, you grant Meeting House Wallekant this explicit permission. You can revoke your consent to the use of cookies by Meeting House Wallekant at any time.
What are cookies?
Cookies are text files that are installed by Meeting House Wallekant on your computer or mobile device. With the help of these cookies, Meeting House Wallekant can collect information about your behaviour on the website. Thanks to the cookies, you will also be recognized on your next visit, so that you do not have to log in again. In this way we can also count the visitors to the Meeting House Wallekant website and analyse how they navigate through the website. This way, visitors can be used for profiling purposes and we can continuously improve the website. The visitor can always withdraw his consent by sending an e-mail to info@vergaderhuis-wallekant.be.
Google and Google Analytics
The website of Meeting House Wallekant uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service from Google Inc. In order to use Google Analytics, Google Inc. cookies on your computer or mobile device. On behalf of Meeting House Wallekant, Google Analytics will use this information to evaluate your use of the website and to report. You can prevent the use of your data by Google Analytics by installing a browser plug-in with the following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=nl
The Meeting House Wallekant website uses a Facebook Pixel. This pixel leaves cookies on your computer or mobile device. This means that your data on the Meeting House Wallekant website is tracked by the pixel. In this way Meeting House Wallekant obtains information about your behaviour on the website and on Facebook. That way you can be profiled for marketing purposes.
Prevent the use of cookies
You can always block cookies by activating the setting on your browser that ensures that all or some cookies are refused. If you adjust your browser settings to block all cookies, you may not be able to access some or all parts of our website. For questions or information about the cookie policy, you can always contact Meeting House Wallekant.
Useful links regarding the management of cookies on your browser:
Microsoft Edge: https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-nl/windows-10-microsoft-edge-and-privacy
Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/nl/kb/cookies-verwijderen-gegevens-wissen-websites-opgeslagen
Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en
Safari: https://support.apple.com/kb/ph21411?locale=en_NL
How to deal with changes to this Privacy Policy?
This Privacy Policy can be amended or supplemented by us if we consider this necessary. We encourage you to periodically review this Statement to find out how we process and protect your personal data.
Last modified on: 01-12-2020